Improvements in my living-room...
I think that the months that have passed since I gave birth to my brand-new reef have not passed in vain. I have met very inspired people in this world, I have read quite a lot more, and I have also learnt by myself that not all told is true, and not all truths are told about this hobby.
It is said that “your footprint is your path”… Well, after perfecting several issues of my system, and after many discussions with the extraordinary person I have as wife, we have decided to accomplish improvements in our living-room, and move the aquarium to a new area.
To watch the Devil Sea aquarium video at home with our DVD player, persuaded me enough for my aquarium to become part of my living-room walls. It would be embedded on the wall as if it was an authentic open window to a coral reef.
My intention is to build some type of storage room joined to the exterior wall of my house, to house a "working room" where the aquarium would be located so that it could be seen from our living-room.
To think on being able to work on an adequate system, in a comfortable manner, and without junk piles everywhere, seems to be no more and no less than a dream.
This is why, with a mouse in my hand and the aid of an edition program, I have prepared several drafts that show the changes, and the final look we wish to become true.
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